Back in March, a reporter, going off a few clues and some poor UI decisions, managed to uncover what sure looked a lot like FBI Director James Comey’s Twitter account. Comey, for his part, still hasn’t technically owned up to the account, although a telling meme more or less admitted it. Now Comey has confirmed he is indeed on Twitter and that he thinks it’s terrible.
Comey, speaking to the Anti-Defamation League today, admitted he has an account and that he feels about Twitter the same way many do about the service: Namely, that it’s full of screaming dolts:
“…Sometimes it’s a wonderful place and sometimes it’s a depressing place. Sometimes it feels like I’m all of a sudden immediately in every dive bar in America, where I can hear everybody screaming at the television set.”
Comey also abides by the first rule of Twitter, which is “don’t tweet.” He’s just there to read what people think about the FBI and what it’s doing in the world, which we’re sure can be a somewhat colorful experience. But considering his comparisons, and the fact that the FBI hasn’t stormed Twitter’s offices with cudgels just on general principle, we’re assuming he has at least been spared the worst of Twitter so far. Either that or Twitter had better up its health plan.
(via C-SPAN)