You Can Now Upload Pictures To Instagram Via The Mobile Site — Are Laptops Next?


If you’re constantly running out of space on your phone, then you well know the horrible choice you must make every time you absolutely have to delete an app or run out of room to take pictures. Do you delete Uber and not have a ride home? Or Facebook and not have a way to argue about politics with your aunt? Or Instagram? But then how will everyone be able to like your brunch picture? Then again, how will Instagram help you if you can’t take any pictures?

It’s a true nightmare, but one that Instagram’s new mobile capabilities will hopefully make a little easier.

You used to not be able to upload new pictures anywhere but the app itself. But now, Instagram has revamped their mobile site and are allowing users to upload photos directly from the website.

“ (accessed from mobile) is a web experience optimized for mobile phones,” Instagram told TechCrunch, “It’s designed to help people have a fuller experience on Instagram no matter what device or network they are on.”

The new option will help users who aren’t able to download the app. Especially those in developing countries who don’t have the internet speeds to conveniently download it. Plus, it’s great news for people who never seem to have the app on their phones, due to general electronic incompetence. The move doesn’t mean that you can download photos from a computer just yet. But the step to add the mobile site has us wondering if they’ll incorporate that next. The site has nearly doubled their users in the last two years (hitting 700 million users last month), and if they’re going to hit one billion over the next couple of years, incorporating more devices can only help that goal.

Making Instagram a more accessible experience on multiple platforms could help blow them way past their competitors like Snapchat, and by allowing those without app access to participate, they’ll fold in the older generation and more of a global community. Anything that will help all of our moms and grandmas have more access to every single moment in our lives, is good thing (gulp) right?