Ask Alan: What If The New ‘Twin Peaks’ Episodes Are Great?

Welcome to what somehow turned out to be an all-Mike (or all Mike/Michael) edition of Ask Alan, where all three questions came from people with the same first name.

Michael number one wanted to know whether a brilliant Twin Peaks revival might retroactively enhance the reputation of the original series, which had its ups and its downs. As I’ve said several times, including in this video, I have no idea if the revival will work creatively, and am hopeful that the wild card that is David Lynch will overpower the usual issues that come with these reunion seasons, but we won’t know anything til Sunday night. Or, probably, until the whole season’s done airing.

(Related: Matt Zoller Seitz wrote a smart essay on why we need to properly calibrate our expectations for the revival.)

Mike number two is getting married soon — mazel tov to the happy couple! — and needed some suggestions for classic TV weddings to watch. I could have just recommended a Parks and Recreation binge, but wanted to name a bunch of other classics.

Finally, Mike number three cites two of the most-awarded episodes of TV drama ever made — Game of Thrones‘ “Battle of the Bastards” and ER‘s “Love’s Labor Lost” — and asks which I think is the better hour.

As always, you can email me questions at, or tweet at me with the hashtag #AskAlanDay.