Ask Alan: What Summer TV Shows Should We Be Excited About?

Hey everybody, it’s Friday, which means it’s Ask Alan time, as I take your questions about the past, present, and future of TV.

This week’s show starts off with a miniature summer TV preview, as I pick out some new and returning shows I’m looking forward to in the allegedly slower months of the year — which in Peak TV are still so busy that, for the moment, I’ve retired the summer rewinds to have more time to keep up with new material. I only named a handful of shows — most of which I haven’t seen yet (whether they’re brand-new or new seasons of veteran series) — but I look forward to watching and discussing many of them with you over the next few months.

From there, a reader wonders if the next logical step in streaming services releasing entire seasons at once would be for someone to produce an entire multi-year series in advance of debuting the whole thing on the same day. I point out some of the logistical challenges to that.

Finally, in advance of Sunday’s series finale of The Leftovers — about which I will have much coverage — I have to choose between two of the show’s best running gags: Perfect Strangers as a Sudden Departure touchstone, or Kevin Garvey, genetically-blessed man.

As always, you can email me questions at, or tweet at me with the hashtag #AskAlanDay. We’re off next week because my usual producer is on assignment, so I’ll try to do extra questions two weeks from today.