Sean Hannity Mocks ‘Morning Joe Meltdowns’ While Offering To Fund Therapy For The ‘Unhinged’ Duo

Sean Hannity has no problem with President Trump’s recent rally comment about how he selected wealthy people for certain cabinet jobs because doesn’t want a “poor person.” That’s no surprise, nor is it even remotely shocking that he’s disgusted with how the Morning Joe crew was rendered speechless by Trump’s declaration. So, he took aim at what he considers to be co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski’s “unhinged” behavior.

Hannity played a montage of “emotional breakdowns” from the duo, which included Mika expressing disgust over Trump’s baseless wiretapping claims and one segment where she giggled at a Trump-poop joke from Joe. Hannity sees these as dire examples of “meltdowns” by “America’s favorite couple that nobody watches,” and he cited rumors that they’re so “distraught” before pouring on some fake empathy and offering to pay for their therapy:

“‘Liberal’ Joe and Mika, if you’re watching tonight — I want you to know I’m willing to pay out of my pocket out of love and sympathy for therapy for a year so your new beautiful relationship can thrive in the Trump era and that emotionally you’ll be stronger and able to cope in these difficult times for you.”

It’s almost comical to see Hannity — the proponent of a recent vile conspiracy theory — calling someone else “unhinged.” Yet, of course, most of what Hannity does these days is out of loyalty for Trump. He’s in attack-dog mode like he is when comparing the president to to King David or accusing the travel ban judge of doing weed and blow with Obama. As for his therapy-dollars offer, Joe and Mika will undoubtedly enjoy a nice laugh over this.