Watch Chris Cuomo And Kellyanne Conway Get Into A Heated Exchange On CNN

By the end of a fiery 30-minute segment between CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Kellyanne Conway, the former was done with the latter’s attempts to bend the truth on a Monday morning. The two (in the brief clip above and another one below) had discussed several subjects, including Donald Trump Jr.’s July 2016 meeting with a Kremlin-connected lawyer, reportedly in exchange for “damaging information” about Hillary Clinton. It all ended with Conway and Cuomo tossing jabs at each other before he hurled a nasty dig at Fox News.

The two argued about a recent CNN slip-up (a report on Russia that the network retracted, leading to multiple resignations), and Cuomo asserted that the network “has owned [it] in a way that is a symbol for accountability.” The pulled report has been held out by the Trump administration to justify their “fake news” insults without taking into account that Fox News also recently (and uncharacteristically) retracted a report involving Sean Hannity’s fixation with a conspiracy theory. In that spirit, Cuomo lashed out, “It would be nice if everyone who was wrong handled it the way CNN did.”

Conway couldn’t resist continuing the matter: “Think about why it happened. It’s the rush to judgment.” She slammed CNN panels for not being “balanced,” and Cuomo essentially told Conway to take herself over to Fox News: “If you want flattering, there’s another channel that can give you that.”

Here’s a 7-minute clip of the earlier exchange between Cuomo and Conway on Don Jr. and the Russian attorney. Conway was peeved at how the New York Times used unnamed sources in their reporting on the subject, and Cuomo pointed out that a recent report from The Hill also used unnamed sources (“interviews with officials familiar with the documents”) to claim that James Comey included classified information in his leaked memos. Cuomo asked, “So unnamed sources are okay for Comey but not for Trump?” It’s a fair question, and the timing of the Comey report — in the midst of the Don Jr. debacle — suggests a “leak” from a Trump-friendly source.