Trump Kicked Off The Weekend With A Manic 10-Tweet Tweetstorm To Vent About, Well, Everything

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Grab your umbrellas, folks—another Saturday means another Presidential tweetstorm. This time the president spent the first couple hours of the day railing against leaks, various newspapers he doesn’t like, those fishy questions he was asking about presidential pardons, Clinton’s emails, Anthony Scaramucci’s loyalty, and Trumpcare. As per usual, all you need to do to understand the President’s morning tweets is to follow where he was getting his information last night.

Yesterday, the Washington Post published an article on Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ contacts with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak based on new information that Sessions and Kislyak discussed “campaign-related matters” when they met last year. Earlier this week, Trump criticized Sessions in a New York Times inteview for recusing himself from the Senate’s probe into the Trump administration’s Russian connections. Now the President has made an about face, defending Sessions from what he sees as a leak and attack by the Post. That may be because he himself feels attacked by the paper after they yesterday covered President Trump’s inquiries into whether he could pardon himself and his family members.

The Post wasn’t the only paper that Trump accused of leaking this morning. He also accused the New York Times of spoiling an opportunity to kill ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi after constant speculation by a variety of outlets about whether he is still alive. However, The Hill points out that Trump may have gotten the idea that al-Baghdadi’s survival is the fault of the Times after General Tony Thomas spoke to Fox News about how, two years ago, a special ops mission to catch al-Baghdadi that was thrown off when “a prominent national newspaper” spilled the beans.

Then the President returned to a subject that is one of his perennial favorites: Hillary Clinton’s emails, and her own Russian connections. Trump feels that Don Jr. was being comparatively honest about the emails that uncovered his meeting with a Russian lawyer and assorted others with Kremlin connections, although the Senate still feels the need to get his testimony later this month.

But that thought was quickly interrupted by his next topic: the new appointment of Anthony Scaramucci. Trump seemed to want to publicly affirm Scaramucci’s loyalty after the buzz around a number of tweets Scaramucci deleted that revealed he hasn’t always seen eye to eye with the President on top GOP topics like gun control.

Last but not least, Trump wanted to address the progress Congress is making on repealing and replacing Obamacare. He encouraged Republican senators to “step up to the plate” before accusing Democrats of obstructing Trumpcare’s progress. “It is solely up to the 52 Republican Senators!” declared Trump. Maybe so, but Trump’s attempts to cajole and even threaten the GOP into killing the increasingly popular Affordable Care Act hasn’t done much so far to push his agenda through.

The President tweeted all that before putting down his phone to attend the commissioning ceremony for a new aircraft carrier, the Gerald R. Ford. We’ll see where he picks back up again.