Roger Stone: A Politician Who Votes To Impeach Trump ‘Would Be Endangering Their Own Life’

Since May, President Donald Trump and his administration have tried to distance themselves from former campaign advisor Roger Stone as much as possible. Thanks to his many Infowars appearances and his (required) involvement in the ongoing Russia probe, however, the former Richard Nixon staffer turned Netflix documentary subject has clung to the public eye. The latest example of Stone’s crazy dancing in the spotlight comes courtesy of TMZ, whose crew caught up with him at Los Angeles International Airport and asked him point-blank about impeachment rumors:

“The people who are calling for impeachment are the people who didn’t vote for him. They need to get over it. They lost. Their candidate had every advantage. She spent two billion dollars. He spent $275 million. Sorry, he whipped her ass. It’s over. You lost. Try to impeach him. Just try it. You will have a spasm of violence in this country, an insurrection, like you have never seen before. Both sides are heavily armed. This is not 1974. The people will not stand for impeachment. A politician who votes for it would be endangering their own life. There will be violence on both sides.”

Immediately foreseeing how his comments would be construed, however, Stone immediately backtracked his emphasis on violence against politicians and public figures who would call for Trump’s impeachment. “Now let me make this clear,” he added. “I’m not advocating violence. I am predicting.” Yet when the TMZ cameraman asked if Stone was suggesting another civil war would occur because of the president’s ousting, he confirmed the sentiment. “Yes, that is what I think will happen.”

Meanwhile, in a completely unrelated but otherwise silly development, Stone responded to a popular tweet depicting a shot from his Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone. In the scene, Stone is showing off his infamous back tattoo of Richard Nixon, but a Photoshop maestro has replaced it with the “Crying Jordan” meme. “I categorically deny having a tattoo of Marcus Garvey on my back,” Stone tweeted in a manner that could be serious, trollish or both, “but it is a cool idea.” ¯_(ツ)_/¯

(Via TMZ and RealClearPolitics)