Bill Clinton Warns That Ending DACA ‘Will Weaken The American Dream’ For Dreamers And Citizens Alike

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President Trump’s announcement that the DACA program was ending brought immediate protests across the country. It’s not entirely clear what will happen next, but it has inspired an outpouring of support for those set to be affected as well as wide spread condemnation.

Former President Bill Clinton added to the condemnation in a statement:

DACA has brought hundreds of thousands of young people out of the shadows — allowing them to live without fear, go to school, work, and contribute to America in countless other ways. These young people’s dreams are part of the American Dream. And they make it more real for all of us. Today’s decision by the White House to terminate DACA — and that is effectively what it attempts to do — will crush their dreams and weaken the American Dream for the rest of us.

Clinton goes on to say the decision is “bad policy” that creates new problems while solving none and calls out Trump’s decision to pass the buck by leaving it up to Congress to find the solution to immigration reform. He calls ending DACA wrong since the United States is the only place that many DACA recipients know.

Clinton’s statement ends with a call for embrace these immigrants as previous generations did and for Congress to move swiftly in order to protect the undocumented immigrants now and in the future.

(Via CNN)