Much ado is being made over the GOP’s Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill, and for good reason! The revised bill will essentially rip health insurance away from around 30 million people, leave it up to states to decide whether or not to charge higher premiums for pre-existing conditions and impose lifetime coverage caps, and — as Jimmy Kimmel pointed out this week, taking Bill Cassidy to task for “lying right to his face” — somehow manages to be even worse than the failed GOP healthcare bills that came before it.
But one way or another, the bill is being voted on by the senate next week, and most Republicans are pushing hard for it, including the president. On Wednesday night, Trump tweeted about the bill, “I would not sign Graham-Cassidy if it did not include coverage of pre-existing conditions. It does! A great Bill. Repeal & Replace.” In a follow up tweet, he wrote, “Senator (Doctor) Bill Cassidy is a class act who really cares about people and their Health(care), he doesn’t lie-just wants to help people!”
Shortly after, the bill’s co-sponsor, Sen. Lindsey Graham, retweeted the president with a charged response of his own regarding pre-existing conditions:
Claims that #GrahamCassidy-Heller-Johnson doesn't cover pre-existing conditions — #FakeNews on steroids!
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) September 21, 2017
This is simply not true, as the bill does, in fact, allow states to give insurance companies the power to increase premiums based on pre-existing conditions. As such, the retweet-reply ratio got out of hand real fast, as thousands jumped on Graham to point out the inaccuracy.
Tell a child with a heart defect whose insurance will be thousands of times more expensive under your plan that her insurance is covered.
— America Resurgent (@ProgressOutlook) September 21, 2017
Lindsey how are you missing that the penalty for preexisting conditions are too much for people to pay? What part of that don't you get?
— Kristen (@krispekitty) September 21, 2017
Here, someone read the bill for you and put together this handy chart. I see you're not worth as much as your colleagues, but still…
— Kristen (@krispekitty) September 21, 2017
Anyone know the surcharge for hemophilia? My whole family might go bankrupt to keep my nephew's "access" to health care. #SaveACA
— Laura Fleming, MS Ed. (@lauramedflem) September 21, 2017
Liar! It covers #preexistingconditions BUT only if states agree AND if patients can afford the INCREASE in premiums! #sad #shameonYOU
— Acanthabella (@acanthabella) September 21, 2017
I'd expect a conservative approach from a conservative Senator. Allow the CBO to score it. Let's know impact before pulling the trigger.
— CJ Ruppel (@CJRuppel) September 21, 2017
"While insurers would still be required to offer coverage to people with pre-existing conditions insurers could charge UNAFFORDABLE premiums
— Kaye (@kals55) September 21, 2017
Weird for you 2 call the American Cancer Society, AARP, Amer. Medical Assn, etc. all liars
But lie down w Trump, get up with fleas, I guess— Jesse Ferguson (@JesseFFerguson) September 21, 2017
There’s still time for folks to contact their senator before the bill gets voted on next week, so no time like the present.