Steve Scalise Returns To The House Floor To A Standing Ovation: ‘Miracles Really Do Happen’

Soon after CBS previewed Steven Scalise’s upcoming exclusive interview with 60 Minutes, the Louisiana congressman — who was critically wounded during baseball practice with his fellow representatives and senators in June — returned to the floor of the U.S. House. Scalise, who had refrained from reentering the spotlight since being officially discharged from the hospital in late July, slowly walked to his seat with the aide of two forearm crutches. All the while, the entire chamber erupted upon his arrival and gave him the first of many standing ovations.

“I am definitely a living example that miracles really do happen,” Scalise told the crowded room while discussing the prayers he made on that baseball field. “When I was laying out on that ball field, the first thing I did once I was down and I couldn’t move anymore is I just started to pray. I will tell you it gave me an unbelievable sense of calm knowing that at that point. But I prayed for very specific things, and I will tell you pretty much every one of those prayers was answered.”

Religiosity notwithstanding, Scalise also thanked the two capitol police officers, Crystal Griner and David Bailey, who defended him and the others present against the shooter. Griner was not in attendance Thursday morning, but Bailey was. “David, you are my hero, you saved my life. Thank you so much,” said the representative, sparking a standing ovation for the office.

In the hour before he officially returned to the House floor, Scalise’s official Twitter account posted a photo of the representative and his wife silhouetted against the Washington D.C. skyline. “I’m back,” it read.

(Via CNN and ABC News)