Health Secretary Tom Price Resigns Following Criticism of His Private Jet Use

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After days of criticism over multiple Trump administration officials blowing taxpayer dollars on private jets for government business — when cheaper and suitably practical options were available — mixed with some private use, Tom Price has resigned as health secretary. Price, who promised yesterday to reimburse the U.S. Treasury for (part of) his $400,000 bill, had angered President Trump, who told reporters he was “not happy” with the news.

Although Price seemed pretty cheerful and confident that he’d be sticking around, something must have changed. According to Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Price dropped a resignation letter today, and Trump was fine with it. The president has already chosen an acting replacement who’s ready to roll. Here’s more from CBS News:

Price “offered his resignation earlier today and the President accepted,” a statement by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Friday afternoon. The president intends to designate Don J. Wright to serve as acting secretary, the statement went on to say. He’s currently deputy assistant HHS secretary.

Price had agreed to pay back around $50,000 to taxpayers, which would have been his portion of the over $400,000 in private jet expenses that he’s racked up since confirmation. And Politico reports that he nabbed another $500,000 worth of trips in military jets to events in Europe. Yet the question remains, will Price actually cut that check, now that he’s out of a gig? Twitter has thoughts on that, along with a resignation bingo card, and more…

(Via CBS News, NPR & Politico)