‘Star Wars: Battlefront II’ Has A Bird Problem


The Star Wars: Battlefront II beta showed off the incredible graphics and refined action fans can expect when the full game releases on November 17th, but historians of the galaxy far, far away learned something unexpected during the beta: Naboo has a serious bird problem.

The homeworld of eventual Emperor Palpatine and Padmé Amidala, the mother of Luke and Leia, Naboo is an idyllic and luscious world with forests and waterfalls that compliment the rounded architecture of both the humans of Naboo and underwater-dwelling Gungans. Now, a new, canonical detail has been added to the Star Wars universe — the fact that Naboo’s capital city, Theed, is overwhelmed by white birds. Possibly doves. They’re everywhere.

Battlefront II‘s recreation of the Battle of Theed from The Phantom Menace is full of small details that long-time fans of the Star Wars movies will appreciate. The droid army barks “roger roger” as they take locals hostage, the alleyways and buildings featured in Episode I are recreated almost perfectly. It’s impressive. But now we know that under the guise of a perfect makeup-filled existence, the people of Naboo were under constant fear of a bird population that would spawn endlessly from random piles of leaves all around town.

If the prequels were bogged down by trade federation politics, then the prequels to the prequels are probably overwhelmed by Naboo government officials working overtime to rid themselves of the Hitchcockian presence. It’s distracting. How could anyone live like this? Dozens of birds flying around at all times. There must’ve been whole industries created around the community’s need for dropping cleanup.

The collected bird forces that seem to be terrorizing Naboo are nowhere to be seen in the actual movie, so one has to simply accept this as an official retcon. It may not be the vision of George Lucas, but the constant presence of the maniacal dove population is canon now. Perhaps they will return in The Last Jedi?