The Full Trailer For ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Shows A Galaxy In Peril

It’s officially that time of year when the hankering for information about the latest Star Wars project is at an almost unbearable high. Fans have been waiting for a full trailer for December’s The Last Jedi for a while now, so everyone lost their collective minds when it was announced that they would be getting their wish during Monday Night Football this week. Sorry, nerds, but you have to sit through at least part of a sports game to get your Jedi fix.

Director Rian Johnson warned fans on Twitter that if they wanted to avoid all spoilers, they should skip the trailer that landed on Monday night, and he was right. Anyone hoping for a real sense of the action could not be disappointed. The new trailer is finally here, and it’s glorious.

The entire thing is ominous as hell, simmering with implications that not only will Kylo Ren kill General Leia, he may also tempt Rey to the Dark Side. The Skywalker family drama shows no signs of slowing down as Rey is torn between her training with Luke and the siren call of power. While there are glimpses of favorites like Poe, Finn, and Chewbacca (with the Porgs!), the central conflict between Kylo Ren and Rey is dead center.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens on December 15, 2017.