Tomi Lahren Turned Into An ’80s Pop Star Gives Us The Snowflake Anthem We Never Knew We Needed

Toyota Lasagna, err, Tomi Lahren takes a lot of crap from us liberal snowflakes. Almost everything she does is universally ridiculed, from refusing to apologize for being white to having her totally innocent patriotic Halloween costume dragged online. The poor girl can’t even take a selfie with a fan without it backfiring on her.

So the good people at Super Deluxe did a little something nice for Tomi, by putting her in the ultimate music video of her Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper dreams, even though she was technically born in 1992. (Did little girls still carry around Lisa Frank Trapper Keepers in the early aughts? Regardless.)

Here, some of Lahren’s greatest hits are autotuned to ’80s pop perfection, such as the opening lyrics, “Hey ladies, sticks and stones and radical Muslims break our bones,” which — yes, she really did say that, apparently. But the real hook is the killer chorus, which I promise will be stuck in your head all day: “Mouth diarrhea, coming out my mouth / verbal diarrhea, coming out my mouth.”

You’ll want to be sure to stick with it all the way to the end though for the real kicker though, which I promise is worth the earworm.