We Can Now Add ‘Utah’ To The List Of Words Donald Trump Mispronounces

President Donald Trump arrived in Utah on Monday afternoon to rollback federal protection of the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments, which is said to be the largest rollback of federally protected lands in United States history. Bears Ears National Monument was designated a national monument by Barack Obama in 2016, making it an obvious target for Trump, while Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument designated by Bill Clinton in 1996. Prior to his visit, Trump called his decision “one of the great, really, events in this country in a long time.”

Before signing the executive order to remove approximately two million acres of protected lands — a move that is largely celebrated by ranchers by condemned by environmental groups — Trump gave a speech in the Utah Capitol building before Sen. Orrin Hatch about his decision. But as the president tends to struggle with complicated, four letter words, he repeatedly pronounced the name of the very state he was standing in incorrectly. At one point he said what appeared to sound like, “You treasure Yooter’s gleaming rivers and sweeping valleys,” and at another point, “‘Cause some people think that the natural resources of Yootuh…”

Towards the end of his speech, Trump seemed to get a better grip on the pesky word, but for a minute there it was “Hurricane Irmer” all over again. This is unfortunately what happens when you elect a president who speaks on a fourth grade level.

(Via USA Today)