Keep Track Of Your Cryptocurrency With These Five Apps

Bitcoin has made billionaires and broken records, even as Wall Street’s past scam artists have sounded the alarm. Like we’ve told you, don’t invest your retirement fund in Bitcoin. But if you enjoy playing the markets, here are five apps to help you feel like a big shot.

Quick disclaimer: The world of Bitcoin is full of shady folks. Don’t download an app you don’t trust.


Coinbase, which so far works with Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, is designed to be a bridge between the Wild West of Bitcoin trading and the more regulated and insured side of financial markets. There’s FDIC insurance, customer assistance, and most importantly, it’s easy to use from your phone.

Bitcoin Checker

There’s a lot of cryptocurrencies out there, not just Bitcoin, and figuring out what it’s worth depending on location and buyer/seller can be something of a mess. Bitcoin Checker gathers up as much data as possible about all cryptocurrencies and gets it into one place for easy monitoring.

Bitcoin Ticker Widget

If you want to be able to see the value even from your home screen, the Bitcoin Ticket Widget lets you put Bitcoin and other currencies right there for you to keep an eye on. Granted, considering the way Bitcoin swings from moment to moment, that might make your day an emotional roller coaster, so maybe remember to disable it before you go to bed.


Blockfolio is a bitcoin tracking app similar to a few others, although it has a broad range of currencies. What really makes it stand out is its alert system, which will let you set certain thresholds for a currency to hit, and which covers a surprisingly broad range of currency.


Finally, if you want to fiddle with Bitcoin but want to keep any real money out of it, try Lawnmower. Lawnmower connects your accounts, like a debit card, to the app, and every time you use the card, it rounds up the purchase to the nearest dollar.

Again, we’ll remind you: Cryptocurrency is a risky investment and should be done carefully and with a full understanding of the currency you’re investing in. Use any apps with caution. That said, if you’ve got one you love, let us know in the comments!