Over the weekend, for the second time in nearly two years, Track Palin, the eldest son of former Alaska governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin was arrested for suspicion of domestic violence and remains in custody. While the former governor blamed her son’s first arrest (for allegedly punching and kicking his girlfriend and brandishing an assault rifle) on PTSD (he served for a year in Iraq in 2008) and then-President Obama, the Palin family isn’t saying much about this incident, but reports say that Todd Palin, Track’s father, is involved.
According to the Anchorage Daily News, charging documents state that the 28-year-old Palin was arrested by Wasilla police shortly after Sarah Palin called them Saturday evening. According to a sworn affidavit, Palin claimed her son was “freaking out and was on some type of medication.” Palin was eventually charged with burglary and assault for repeatedly hitting his father Todd.
According to the affidavit, Track wanted to visit his parents house to pick up a truck, but Todd told him to stay away because he had been drinking and using pain medication. “Track told him he was (going to) come anyway to beat his ass,” according to the statement by law enforcement. Todd Palin says he then grabbed his pistol to “protect his family.” Track reportedly broke a window to gain entrance to the house and began punching his father. Todd Palin managed to escape but sustained injuries to his face and head.
Palin is due back in court on Tuesday after a judge set bail at $5,000 over the weekend.
(Via Anchorage Daily News)