Twitter Will Now Let You Bookmark Tweets, But Users Aren’t Thrilled About It


There’s a lot that could be done to improve Twitter, which just finally turned a profit a few weeks ago. But while Twitter refuses to make any changes its userbase actually wants, it will at least try to improve the site, like with the just-added feature letting you “bookmark” tweets. But, of course, Twitter’s own users immediately started demanding another feature.

To be fair, until this point, if you want to keep track of your tweets, good luck. Twitter’s search features are notoriously bad and have been from the beginning, so either you needed to keep the link on file or hope somebody retweeted it. Now, you can bookmark them:

You can also send them via email, text, and DM if you really want to be that person (do not be that person.) But, of course, like any Twitter feature debut, Twitter users had something else on their minds:

Yes, the drumbeat for an edit button continues, even though it’ll probably never happen. But at least now if you find something funny, weird, or grotesque, you’ll be able to keep it closer to your heart, or at least the heart-shaped button. That may, however, not be such a good thing for those who frequently humiliate themselves on Twitter, but hey, when all else fails? Just don’t tweet.