Parkland Student David Hogg Tells CNN That He Doesn’t Accept Laura Ingraham’s Apology

At latest count, a total of seven advertisers have pulled out of Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show and that number can only be expected to climb. This is all the work of one tweet by Parkland survivor David Hogg, who called for a boycott on Wednesday night after Ingraham taunted the student earlier that day on Twitter for having his college applications rejected.

Ingraham has since apologized to Hogg, but he is clearly not having it. On Friday morning’s New Day, CNN’s Alisyn Camerota reminded Hogg that clearly he’s wielding a lot of power at the moment, and asked how he felt about that.

“I think it’s great that corporate America is standing with me and with the rest of my friends because when you come against any one of us, whether it be me or anybody else, you’re coming against all of us,” he told Camerota. “I think it’s important to stand together as both corporate and civic America to take action against these people and show them that they cannot push us around, especially when all we’re trying to do here is save lives.”

Camerota then read Ingraham’s apology on-air, and asked Hogg whether or not he accepted it. Hogg still stands by what he told the New York Times on Thursday, however. In a word, “no.”

She’s only apologizing after a third of her advertisers pulled out, and I think it’s really disgusting, the fact that she basically tried promoting her show after “apologizing” to me. I think it’s wrong, and I think if she really wants to do something she could cover things like inner city violence and the real issues we have in America. I know she’s a talk show host but as such, she also has a responsibility to show both sides of a story.

Later, referring to the original jab from Ingraham’s tweet, Camerota joked, “What kind of dumbass colleges don’t want you?” noting that he and his friends have taken the entire country by storm. At this point it seems inconsequential though, as Hogg says he’s learned you can still change the world whether or not you get into college. At this point, he also said he’s probably taking a gap year off to focus on activism, anyway.