Gwyneth Paltrow Let An ‘Avengers 4’ Spoiler Loose That Confirms An ‘Infinity War’ Theory


Infinity War spoilers follow as do Avengers 4 spoilers technically, probably

Okay, it’s spoiler time because, in order for this nugget of info that Gwyneth Paltrow just delivered to Marvel’s Official Avengers: Infinity War magazine to make sense, we need to get into the weeds. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has a lot going on, so this is necessary to understand this possible Avengers 4 spoiler.

At the beginning of Infinity War, Pepper Potts and Tony Stark are loving life while walking through a park when Tony says he had a dream that his now-wife is expecting. Potts doesn’t confirm or deny this information before Stark is pulled away to stave off the invading forces of Thanos. In this interview snippet, we see that not only is she one of the 50 percent who survived Thanos snapping his fingers, but she’s with child. Also, does this mean there’s a major time jump in Avengers 4? About Nine months or so at least?

Here’s the quote, re-written for your reading pleasure:

“Pepper and Tony have had a real long journey together. She obviously starts as his dutiful assistant, and then the relationship evolves, and now this decade later they’re married, and they have a child. Their relationship has evolved in all of the ways that great romances evolve.”

You can also see in a slightly cut off answer that Paltrow believes that she and Robert Downey Jr. have zero sexual chemistry, but that doesn’t really matter. If Tony has a child in Avengers 4, what does that mean for the potential reversal of time or the sacrifice one may have to make in order to extract the trillions of souls captured by the Soul Stone when Thanos did his thing?

(Via SlashFilm)