‘Deadpool 2’ Thanks Everyone For Being A Friend With A ‘Golden Girls’-Style Credits Video

(WARNING: The above video contains some slight Deadpool 2 spoilers.)

Although Solo: A Star Wars Story arrives in theaters today — and the Thursday preview box-office results reflect predictions that the prequel should make a lot of money but not as much as Disney would like — Deadpool wants to remind everyone that he’s still here. That’s about one would expect from the fourth-wall shatterer who’s been crushing box-office records and has grossed $363 million domestically and $783 million globally on a relatively modest $58 million budget.

With that in mind, the Deadpool 2 team has put together an adorable Golden Girls-style credits video set to the “Thank You For Being A Friend” theme song. Of course, this plays on the bizarre Bea Arthur obsession of the antihero (and this is indeed a running joke), but it also works well on a conceptual level. The video also reminds everyone that Deadpool, while unconventional, doesn’t take himself seriously, and his new pals, Domino and Cable, may be badasses, but they can play along with the joke as well.

Overall, the video is an irresistible one, and perhaps it will persuade folks to head into theaters for a repeat viewing. Or perhaps it will simply continue the goodwill before the inevitable X-Force film announcement arrives.