Brett Kavanaugh’s Angry, Shouty Senate Hearing Opening Statement Did Not Go Over Well With Many

After listening to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s raw and emotional testimony over the course of several hours, the Senate Judiciary Committee got the chance to grill Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. And boy, it did not go off to such a great start!

Kavanaugh came out with guns blazing, almost as if he could yell the sexual assault allegations away. “This confirmation process has become a national disgrace,” he shouted into the microphone, as you can see in the above PBS NewsHour clip. “The constitution gives the senate an important role in the … confirmation process.”

“But you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy,” he continued. “Since my nomination in July, there’s been a frenzy in the left, to come up with something — anything, to block my confirmation.”

Well those certainly (don’t) sound like the sort of level-headed, impartial words of a judge who is deserving to sit on the highest federal judiciary court in the entire country, and mold United States law for decades to come. So, it’s not at all surprising that Twitter had an absolute field day with Kavanaugh’s testimony, ridiculing him within an inch of his angry, shouty life.

And a lot of people had jokes about how a woman would be viewed in a similar situation:

But for real though, there is just so much ridicule:

With even some Republicans starting to turn on Kavanaugh, it remains to be seen how all of this will weigh on the possibility of his confirmation.