Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has Been Hospitalized After Falling And Breaking Three Ribs, And People Aren’t Taking It Well

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The Supreme Court confirmed on Thursday that 85-year-old Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the justice who was the subject of a popular 2018 documentary that young women flocked to in droves, has been hospitalized after falling in her office on Wednesday evening. Ever the tough lady she is, Ginsburg didn’t admit herself to the George Washington University Hospital until Thursday morning after experiencing discomfort overnight, where she learned that she had actually fractured three of her ribs.

While she remains in the hospital for treatment, Ginsburg will not be present for the official Supreme Court ceremony to welcome Brett Kavanaugh after having been confirmed last month. President Donald Trump and his brand new acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker will also be in attendance. As the Associated Press points out, this is not the first time Ginsburg has suffered broken ribs, among other ailments:

Ginsburg has had a series of health problems. She broke two ribs in a fall in 2012. She has had two prior bouts with cancer and had a stent implanted to open a blocked artery in 2014. She also was hospitalized after a bad reaction to medicine in 2009.

In other words, this isn’t Ginsburg’s first rodeo, and it sounds like she has a decent shot at bouncing back. Be that as it may, people are flipping the f*ck out at the news, to put it gently — many urging her to wrap herself with something protective until 2020, given that abortion rights are at risk with the new balance of the Supreme Court.

Others are coming forward to actually offer to donate their ribs to Ginsburg:

For what it’s worth, Ginsburgh apparently has no plans of stepping down, and has even hired clerks for the term that extends into 2020. Having said that, we wish her a speedy recovery.