Sean Spicer Sure Seemed A Little Tipsy In A Live, Post-State Of The Union Interview Last Night

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Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer seemed to be having himself a good old time during a live BlazeTV State of the Union special broadcast from the Trump Hotel lobby bar in Washington D.C. during President Trump’s address on Tuesday night. And by “good old time,” we mean for all intents and purposes Spicer appeared to be white girl wasted while chatting with Blaze host Eric Bolling.

Media Matters reporter Cristina López drew attention to Spicer’s apparent slurring in a couple of clips uploaded to YouTube. “It seems like Spicer had some drinks during #SOTU before his appearance on BlazeTV,” she quipped.

In the first clip, Spicer seemingly tries to explain why former Trump campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson’s “insightful insights” are more valuable than his own. “Just stop, like, listen to me,” Spicer stammered at one point, when Bolling tried to interject in his rambling. “She was with him when no one was with him, and okay … don’t give me the [incoherent] look!”

In another clip, Spicer claimed to have recently spoken with Trump, who asked him when he was coming back to the White House. “And I told him, I said very clearly, ‘Mr. President, I love you, I love this White House, but you’re never getting me back,'” he told Bolling.

Later in the clip, Spicer inexplicably attempted to roast Bolling’s suit. “I love velvet, it feels good,” he said, rubbing the host’s arm. “Look, I’m having fun. That’s good, I never knew that Target had good clothes like that.”

“That’s good. Target!” Spicer continued, as Bolling tried to move the segment along. “Armani,” Bolling retorted, flatly correcting him.”

At any rate, López and Bolling were not the only ones to notice that Spicer seemed a bit, shall we say “off,” as others piled on to dunk on sloppy Spicer (a new Trump nickname, perhaps?) on Twitter:

Oh Spicey, will you ever win? You can watch the full segment below: