Tom Holland Swears Mysterio Is A ‘Teammate’ In ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’

Via Marvel Studios

The latest Spider-Man: Far from Home trailer dropped yesterday, and the most surprising thing about it — other than the reminder that we’re getting another MCU film so soon after the epic and devastating Avengers: Endgame — was this: Wait, so Jake Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio is a good guy? There’s been some confusion on this matter; after all, he’s one of Spidey’s most beloved baddies. And yet in the trailer, it looked like Tom Holland’s Peter Parker were bosom buddies.

Perhaps that’s a ruse, and Mysterio will only pretend to be on Spidey’s side before having one of his unpredictable changes of heart. If so, Holland is pretty poker-faced. (Or perhaps Marvel knows he’s a bad liar and have fed him wrong information. It’s all a mystery!) In an interview with /Film, the young English actor sure sounded convincing when the subject was breached.

It’s interesting, because when you hear the word “Mysterio” as a Spider-Man fan, you immediately think “villain.” That’s not the case in our film. He’s sort of a new addition to this world of heroes, he’s sort of my teammate throughout the movie.

When asked about the dynamic between Spidey and Mysterio, Holland described it as “very much ‘big brother, little brother,’” adding that Samuel L. Jackson’s “Nick Fury is the head teacher who is constantly telling me off. I don’t want to really be there. I want to go on holiday, and Mysterio is always the one sort of sticking up for me and patting me on the back and telling me I did a good job.”

So that’s interesting! Holland also spoke about the all-black “Stealth suit — an addition to Peter’s wardrobe.

It’s not actually capable of much. We sort of stripped Spider-Man back and now it’s him relying on his powers, but it’s his ability to act like Spider-Man without the world knowing that Spider-Man is there. It’s just an idea that he has to keep his identity from his friends. But it’s awesome. It’s really, really cool. I can go to the bathroom, which is a huge bonus. It looks super cool.

Elsewhere, Holland described Far from Home as “kind of like if Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spectre had a baby.” Spectre, huh? How so? “It has the sexy aspect of being in Europe, having the spy mission undertone,” he explained, implying that he chose Spectre to stand in for all Bond films. So if you didn’t enjoy the last 007 jaunt, don’t sweat it.

Spider-Man: Far from Home hits theaters on July 2.

(Via /Film)