Trump Is Getting Slammed After Calling Millions Of Jewish Democrats Ignorant And ‘Disloyal’

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Donald Trump’s beef with “the Squad” has been going on for a while now, and any time he takes a swing it tends to be legitimately troubling and upsetting. It’ll be hard for him to go lower than telling four non-white congresswomen, three of born in America,” to “go back” to their home countries — thus causing his supporters to actually launch into a racist chant he did nothing to stop — but this one comes close: On Tuesday the president of the United States, while again talking about Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, decided to insult millions of Jewish Democrats.

Trump was talking about Omar and Tlaib’s critical comments about Israel, which he has long sloppily conflated with hatred of Jews in general (including earlier in the day). This segued into a general rant against Democrats, who also tend to have mixed feelings over Israel, especially in relation to the Palestinian population. It was then that Trump said, in summation, “I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat — I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.”

There’s a lot to unpack here, though we could start with the fact that few Jewish voters voted Trump in 2016, and even fewer voted Republican in 2018.

Then there’s the idea that Trump, and many non-Jewish Republicans, seem to think of Jewish people as a monolith.

There’s also the idea that perhaps someone who said claimed they were “fine people” on both sides of the Charlottesville tragedy, including white supremacists, one of whom killed an innocent bystander.

There’s also the idea of calling Jewish people “disloyal,” which has a long, scary history.

Then again, Trump’s words are just scary in general.

Still, some tried to find levity, even gallows humor in the president’s comment. One of them was Ilhan Omar herself.

Some semi-joked that they were a little anxious that “American Jews” was trending Tuesday.

Others felt it was a bizarre campaign move.

Of course, one can keep it simple, simply pointing out that the president just insulted millions of Jews.