Some People Are Basically Fine With Sarah Huckabee Sanders Calling It The ‘Trump Vaccine,’ Long As People Get It

Just to recap: Donald Trump spent part of the last stretch before the November election he lost singing the praises of the forthcoming COVID-19 vaccines. Then he lost. Then the vaccines came out. Then he stopped talking about. Then a large chunk of his supporters didn’t get vaxxed. Now a lot of them are dying. And it’s caused some — but by no means all — major Republicans to belatedly beg people to get the thing that could save their lives.

One of them is Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s second — and second least-liked — press secretary. Over the weekend, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette published a column from her, in which she finally implored people to get the life-saving measure her former boss has taken credit for, even if he stops short of saying they should definitely get it.

“Like many of you, I have had a lot of misinformation thrown at me by politicians and the media during the pandemic. And, like many of you, I spent a lot of time sorting through it all, trying to make the best decision I could for myself and my family,” she wrote. “Based on the advice of my doctor, I determined that the benefits of getting vaccinated outweighed any potential risks.”

Let’s ignore that a lot of that misinformation came from her former boss himself, who downplayed the severity of the pandemic, even after he knew how catastrophic it would be. Let’s even ignore one of the stranger aspects of her plea: that in her tweet directing vaccine skeptics to get vaccinated, she referred to it as the “Trump vaccine.”

Ordinarily this would be offensive. Trump has done almost nothing to steer his stubborn base to get dosed. When he has, he’s undercut that message, possibly out of fear of losing the support of people who would die if it meant owning the libs.

But a lot of people decided to take the high road: If giving it a bogus name it in no way deserves convinces people to not put their life unnecessarily at risk, call it whatever you want.

Some still laughed at Sanders, which one could say is deserved.

Others played dumb with the meaning of the term “Trump vaccine.”

And others broke down the logic of those who remain unconvinced that they need to get a perfectly safe vaccine to protect them from a perfectly un-safe disease.

So, yes, please get vaccinated, if you haven’t already. It’s not a plot against your freedom. It’s so you don’t die a preventable death.