Reese Witherspoon Announced Her Entry Into Cryptocurrency, And Whoa, She Got Some Weird Twitter Responses

Reese Witherspoon has officially the entered the world of cryptocurrency. On Thursday night, The Morning Show actress tweeted that she just bought her first ETH (short for ethereum), and her replies instantly filled up with a welcome wagon full of weird. As for what the heck an ETH even is, and what makes it different than bitcoin, ethereum is the “world’s programmable blockchain,” which has all sorts of applications. Most specifically, creating NFTs, which have been taking the art world by storm. Via MoneyWeek:

Decentralised finance (DeFi) applications allow for all sorts of financial services – decentralised exchanges, for example, or borrowing and lending systems – without the need for typical financial intermediaries such as banks or brokerages.

Ethereum allows for the creation and trade of NFTs – tokens which are connected to digital works of art and other forms of digital property.

On top of watching her follower count skyrocket, Witherspoon soon found herself inundated with an avalanche of pitches for other crypto-coins, which was to be expected, but she probably wasn’t prepared for how bonkers the online crypto crowd can be. Here are just some of the weirdo reactions, and if half of them don’t make sense, that’s par for the course:

However, Witherspoon getting in on ETH wasn’t all welcomes and memes. Some savvy crypto-investors saw her entry as a sign that the price for ETH is about to hit a wall after being on an impressive rally this week, according to Fortune.

It should be noted that Reese was underestimated once before, and you know what she did? Went to Harvard and became a lawyer. True story.

(Via Reese Witherspoon on Twitter)