A Trump Staffer Says That The Former-President Does His Own Makeup Because ‘You Don’t Touch The Donald Trump Face’

Years ago, I spoke to Seth Rogen and Zac Efron while working the red carpet for the premiere of Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising. I don’t remember anything about the interview (I probably asked a hard-hitting question about High School Musical), but I do remember how blindly white Rogen’s teeth were. It was all I could focus on. That’s what I imagine it’s like to be around Donald Trump, except instead of pearly whites, it’s orange goop.

On the first episode of the One Decision podcast hosted by journalist Michelle Kosinski and former MI6 chief Richard Dearlove, Alyssa Farah, who worked as White House Director of Strategic Communications for the Trump administration, revealed that the former-president “usually would” apply his own makeup. You don’t say

“You don’t touch the Donald Trump face,” Farah added.

Trump was even so impressed by a particularly flattering mirror that he had it schlepped to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. “We always have roughly the same mirror that we have backstage, but there was one time we were backstage, and for whatever reason, he particularly liked the mirror, I guess the way it was positioned,” Farah recalled. “He turns to me, he says, ‘Look at this. This is a skinny mirror,’ he says,” she continued. “Take this back to the White House,'” Trump told her. “We used it [at] every event.”

When Jimmy Kimmel heard about this news, he joked, “Of course he does his own makeup. Look at this makeup. If a professional did this, they would be fired ― out of a cannon.” The Jimmy Kimmel Live host added, “I would pay a lot of money to watch Donald Trump do a makeup tutorial on YouTube. He can make it his next pay-per-view event.” You can watch that clip here.

(Via the Hill)