Joe Rogan Fell Hard (And Awkwardly) For A Fake News Story While Railing Against The Australian Government

In what’s becoming a recurring theme for the popular podcast host, Joe Rogan caught himself reading a fake news story about Australia banning people from growing their own foods. However, Rogan didn’t make the catch until after he went on a rant against the Australian government and accusing it of concocting an elaborate plot to “smoke out” anti-vaxxers.

The embarrassing moment went down during the May 12 episode of The Joe Rogan Experience with guest Hotep Jesus, and what’s fascinating is that there were immediate red flags right from the jump. Specifically, Rogan admitting that he “read something briefly” before kicking off the segment. Had the podcast host done just a tad more research beforehand, this whole thing could’ve been avoided, but that’s not how Rogan rolls.

In the article that Rogan attempted to cite from memory, Australia was allegedly banning people from growing their own food because of “agricultural contamination” that could cause another pandemic. Rogan ranted against the “real pieces of sh*t” promoting the ban before stumbling into the fact that he’d just been duped after his producer Jamie Vernon researched the legislation while they were recording.

Via Mediaite:

“It’s gotta be a, a real thing,” Rogan exclaimed, pulling out his phone to search for himself. “It seems too good to not be.”

Vernon explained that when he typed in “Outlaw growing food in Australia,” nothing came up.

“Not a single thing comes up, except for that, which is a false thing,” he added, referencing something on the tv screen off-camera.

“They want us completely dependent!” Jesus added.

“Yeah, I can’t find it either,” Rogan admitted. “Dammit. It better not be fake. It might be fake.”

After it became embarrassingly clear that Rogan fell for a fake article, Jesus attempted to salvage the situation. “Even if it’s fake, right? Like the fake is usually the warning,” Jesus said, which is an interesting (and alarming) way to gloss over getting fooled by your own confirmation bias instead of learning a valuable lesson from an obvious mistake.

(Via Mediaite)