The Latest Entry In The ‘Forza Motorsport’ Franchise Is Coming In 2023

One of the most popular racing franchises is Microsoft’s series of Forza games. The most recent Forza Horizon was extremely well regarded and even managed to earn some discussion in Game of the Year discussions around the industry.

On Sunday, during the Xbox and Bethesda showcase, another entry into the acclaimed racing series was announced. A new trailer for the Forza Motorsport franchise was shown off and a heavy emphasis was placed on the game’s day and night cycle.

Between Horizon and Motorsport, the preference really comes down to the player. Horizon is a more arcade-like racing game compared to the more simulation-like experience in Motorsport.

So with all that in mind, how did this look into the next entry of Motorsport look? Not bad! It featured a lot of really nice landscapes to look at while driving, and we already know the technical aspect of the game is going to work well. We do want to see a little bit more from the game before it launches in 2023, but there’s still plenty of time for more information to come out.

What’s really great though is that, no matter how you feel about the game, you’re gonna get the opportunity to play it on launch day thanks to Game Pass.