Matt Gaetz Keeps An Article About His Sex Trafficking Investigation Signed By Donald Trump In His Office

A two dollar bill with Donald Trump’s earthquake-looking autograph will set you back $2,299.99 on eBay. If that’s not in your budget because you’ve spent all your money on a birthday card for the former-president, how about a signed first edition copy of Trump: How to Get Rich for $375? (Step one: don’t spend $375 on a signed first edition copy of Trump: How to Get Rich.) There’s also a Trump “re-elect that motherf*cker” hat with rocker / COVID denier Ted Nugent’s seal of approval on it for a budget conscious $26, which goes to show: Trump autograph don’t come cheap — unless you’re Matt Gaetz.

A recent Time article about how the “MAGA Squad,” led by far-right “grifters” Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), is “building power to control the next congress” by any (probably illegal) means necessary includes this interesting detail:

On the wall of the cramped congressional-office-turned-podcast studio, there’s a black-and-white poster for S.J. “Jerry” Gaetz, the congressman’s grandfather, that dubs him “North Dakota’s Most Progressive Mayor.” In a glass display case, there’s a handwritten note from President Trump, scribbled in Sharpie on an article about Gaetz defending himself against a federal sex-trafficking probe involving the transportation of a 17-year-old across state lines. “Matt, This is Great,” Trump wrote. “Keep fighting – You will WIN!”

Gaetz is the focus of an FBI sex trafficking investigation involving his alleged transportation of a 17-year-old girl across state lines to have sex with her. The article in question is from the Washington Examiner, Insider reports, and concerns a “six-figure ad” that Gaetz’s congressional campaign paid for to defend the Republican against the accusations. “When you see the leaks, the lies, the falsehoods, the smears, when you see the anonymous sources and insiders forecasting my demise, know this: They aren’t really coming for me. They’re coming for you. I’m just in the way,” he says in the video.

If you want to bid on Trump’s squiggle, maybe send Gaetz a Venmo request?

(Via Time)