Shane Black might direct Iron Man 3 question mark inhaler??

Apologies in advance, because this is one of those yeah-and-if-your-aunt-had-big-hairy-balls-she’d-be-your-uncle type stories (an average movie blog story, in other words)… but the LATEST optimistic speculation is that Lethal Weapon/Last Boy Scout/Kiss Kiss Bang Bang writer Shane Black *COULD* direct the next Iron Man for Marvel. That would make a lot of movie dorks get even beardier with excitement, and in my rush to report it I can hardly contain my dandruff.

The writer/director has powwowed with Marvel execs [I prefer to read this literally -Ed] about his take on the third installment in the blockbuster franchise. As of now he is being considered for the directing job, but the assumption is that if he gets the gig, he would also write a draft.

Insiders said that Black’s involvement is far from a sure thing, and that other filmmakers were being looked at.

Iron Man 3 would reteam Black and Downey, who worked together on the well-regarded Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which Black directed and co-wrote. [THR]

It’s tempting to get excited about this one, but the Iron Man franchise is kind of like the aging Playmate whose best years are probably behind her at this point.  And they really missed an opportunity by not bringing Shane Black on for the last one, which was essentially an interracial buddy cop flick anyway.  Only problem?  Not nearly enough wisecracking.  Someone should’ve gotten ahold of Don Cheadle and been like, “Yo, Hotel Rwanda, why don’t you loosen up and make with the sass talk.”

Pointless Aside: The only Shane Black/Iron Man joke I can think of involves Robert Downey Jr. “shooting Gwyneth Paltrow’s fish tank.”  Oh would you look at that, I just invented my new favorite euphemism.

/joke explained at the 55-second mark