This is a clip from the forgotten Nic Cage classic Time to Kill, in which the bear puncher shares his cigarette with a matter-of-fact lizard (I believe it’s a chameleon). If we’ve learned one thing about Nic Cage, it’s that he F*CKING LOVES LIZARDS. (Thanks, Kelly)
- What games belong in the Smithsonian? I prefer the Will Smiffsonian. Sign on the door reads “WELCOME DA EARTH!”|Uproxx|
- No one’s as good at finding Thom Yorke mashups as Robopanda. |GammaSquad|
- 10 Big Moments From NBA All-Star Weekend. |WithLeather|
- Justin Bieber’s CSI death scene: the extended cut. |GorillaMask|
PICTURED: I’d like to think a drunken Nick Nolte passed this car late one night and decided to issue a citation.
- Justin Bieber got a haircut. Don’t worry, he still looks hella lesbian. |TheDailyWhat|
- Does this look like the face of a high school wrestling coach who was stalking a 14-year-old girl. |BostonBarstoolSports|
- Dolph Lundgren’s Netflix Queue. |AdultSwim|
- – How to Find Love as a Superhero (or Villain) |UnrealityMag|
- Hot chicks with Zelda tattoos. |Buzzfeed|
- TSS Presents Smoking Sessions With DJ Revolution And Malcolm & Martin. |SmokingSection|
- Olivia Munn is Dating That Guy From ‘Glee’ Now. Guess he never read her book. |Superficial|
- One bro’s plea to keep Planned Parenthood federally funded. |HolyTaco|
- Ivan Reitman refuses to ban Ashton Kutcher from Ghostbusters 3. |ScreenJunkies|
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