Finally, A Supercut Of Movie Characters Saying 555 Phone Numbers

Ever notice how just about every phone number in films and TV shows starts with the 555 prefix? In case you don’t know, that’s because few such prefixes actually exist in the real world, and never will as 555-0100 through 555-0199 are specifically reserved for fictional use, so it’s been designated as a safe one for storytellers to use. I suppose networks and studios fear being sued if they use a real number and then the person with that number winds up getting tons of calls from random jackasses. So YouTuber GoSwarmIt made a supercut of such instances.

Meanwhile, in other movie/phone number news, Jonah Hill’s phone number is out there floating around in the ether and he would actually like random jackasses to call him, so his number is posted on posters promoting his new film.

Mr. Hill, last seen as a statistics nerd in “Moneyball,” is so eager to make “The Sitter” a success — it’s his first film as a solo headliner — that…Fox hung posters across the country printed with Mr. Hill’s image, the message “Need a Sitter?” and phone numbers on tear-off tabs, above. About 250,000 people called, and nearly half left messages. Here comes the unusual part: Mr. Hill agreed to carry around the phone belonging to that number and randomly answer calls himself. A Fox spokesman said Mr. Hill had answered a few dozen times. On Wednesday he began returning calls.

Well, what are you waiting for?

(HT: Laughing Squid)