April Fools Day sucks: the video

Today is April Fool’s Day, a time of hilarious pranks, like that Improv Everywhere guy who got beat up dressed as Jar-Jar, only the video was staged, and I guess that was the improv, and… honestly, what was supposed to be funny about that?  That someone beat up Jar-Jar Binks?  “Oh man, that is classic!” said a guy from 2001. Improv is for assholes. Edit that sh*t and get back to me. Anyway, I’ve participated in the April Fool’s Day madness in the past (not trying to actually trick anyone, mind you), but today is Friday and I don’t feel like it, and it’s a dumb tradition anyway.

On that note, Landline TV’s latest video is right up my alley.  It’s their trailer for April Fool’s Day, a hellish, alternate-universe version of Groundhog Day, that imagines what it’d be like if the day the protagonist had to relive over and over was April 1st.  It’s awful.  You’d have to have a sick mind to even think of this.  Ugh, April 1st.  It’s the Bros Icing Bros of holidays.