We had our fun with Keanu, but we always knew it would have to come to an end at some point. Luckily, he’s not the only celebrity a paparazzo has caught looking sad for a fraction of a second. And just when we needed a new fix, here comes Val Kilmer, rocking a sherpa jacket and house slippers like they were shoes, looking even forlornlier. Aw, why so blue, tiger? What mysteries do you hold, Sad Val? Are you listening to Elliot Smith on that iPhone?
Okay, okay, enough of my palaver. TO THE PHOTOSHOPS! (Update: I added a couple user submissions, which are much better than mine, at the end of the slideshow. Keep ’em coming!).
Scarfield, Sad Val, and Emo Llama are here for poetry night. It’s okay, I guess.
Sean Penn is terrible at cheering people up.
NEEDS MORE COLLARS! Notice how more collars instantly change him from sad to smug? Every sad guy needs more collars.
It’s possible that I overdid this one. (Click to enlarge)
Aw, I miss you, Turbaconducken. We’ll always have pre-Thanksgiving ’07.
Guy Fieri knows what’ll cheer you up! Tequila-glazed chicken-fried steak nugget shooters!
Oh, Depressing iPhone. Why can’t you be more like that hilarious sandwich?
DRRRAMA! I sense a West Side Story-style finger snap fight about to break out.
Val is sad because he already finished his giant novelty hamburger, you see. (Thanks, Burnsy)
Aw, see, big guy? Jake will share his sandwich. What a good friend. Now come on, let’s see you turn that frown upside down. Come on, who’s my happy hungry boy…
Thanks to Robert for the submission. Great work.
Here’s Sad Val in Inception. Thanks, Aaron. You should be able to enlarge to see the full-sized version here.
I call this one “Third Wheel,” or alternatively, “2 Gyllenhaals 1 lunch.”