‘A Wet Dream on Elm Street’ Still Looks Pretty Good

After the jump, I’ve got the (SFW) trailer for the Lee Roy Myers-directed porn parody, A Wet Dream on Elm Street (you may remember the dildo glove I posted a while back). It stars all your favorite actresses a bunch of actresses you totally haven’t heard of, including Charlie Chase, Sophie Dee, and Giselle Leon. I guess the plot is that you can’t fall asleep, or else Freddy comes and has sex with you. Ahh, reminds me of my old fraternity days.

The funny thing is, it’s actually a pretty good parody (even if I would’ve gone with “A Buttmare on Mam Street”). Every time I watch one of these, I’m struck by how much better they are than any Seltzer/Friedberg movie. In fact, I think I’d rather my daughter do porn than a Seltzer/Friedberg movie. At least there’d be some production values.

“Hi, Jason.”

“It’s f*ckin’ Freddy.”


“…Did you just wordplay me?”

[Thanks to Dreadcentral]