Mission Impossible IV Finally Releases a Decent Poster

When your movie includes Tom Cruise dangling from world’s tallest building (Tom Cruise is that spec next to the helicopter), it seems like a no-brainer to include that in the marketing material. But so far, Paramount seemed content to play up other aspects of Mission Impossible IV (“GHOST PROTOCOL!”), such as Tom Cruise wearing a hoodie, or Tom Cruise wearing white pants. (“This summer… Justice shops at Banana Express!”). Finally they’ve hit us with the money shot in the newest poster, which shows Tom Cruise climbing the 2,717-foot Burj Khalifa building in Dubai. So big ups to Tom for having the massive balls it took to do this, even if he is wearing capri pants. Or are those pedal pushers? I confess I’m a little rusty in my three-quarter length pants vocabulary. In any case, it opens December 21st.

“Must… keep… climbing. Too many… gays down there…”