Jay Roach has had a weird career. (He also looks a bit like Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, but that’s another story). Between directing horrific anti-comedies like Dinner for Schmucks and Meet the Fockers, he does acclaimed political retrospectives for HBO like Recount, about the 2000 election. In the same vein, Game Change is based on the 2008 book about the McCain/Palin ticket, starring Ed Harris† as John McCain and Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin. You can check out the trailer below, and just in time. It felt like it was almost five minutes since I’d last heard that c*nt’s name.
“American Woman.” (*sigh*) At least it wasn’t “Rebel, Rebel.”
I guess.
[Premieres March 10th on HBO.]
†Fun Fact: Ed Harris was the other actor Nick Nolte mentioned who refused to clap when Elia Kazan won a lifetime achievement award because Kazan named names during the Communist witch hunts in the 50s.