SUPERCUT: Glove Actually 2, More of Cinema's Greatest Slaps

You may remember Jeff Smith from previous Supercuts such as “You Just Don’t Get It, Do You!” and Glove Actually part one, but it’s fine if you don’t, because he’s back with a new one, Glove, Actually 2: Glove Harder – More of Cinema’s Greatest Slaps.” It’s a full NINE MINUTES OF SLAPS. If that doesn’t sound entertaining to you, you’ve never seen someone get slapped, there are truly few things as entertaining. And before you ask, yes, it does feature Sean Connery slapping a woman (on the ass). Oh, and Ronald Reagan too (in the face). It’s too bad Reagan’s dead and Connery’s retired. I’d give anything to see them team up to save the Earth from an army of hysterical women, using only the righteous palms of patriarchy.

I submit that the “Beetch! Lesbian!” scene is easily the most memorable part of Scarface.