Adam Sandler Is Making ‘Parody’ Films Now

First the good news – Adam Sandler is re-teaming with his old comedy writing partner Tim Herlihy, with whom he made classic, hilarious movies like Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore and The Wedding Singer. Unfortunately, they were also responsible for The Waterboy and Little Nicky, which leads us to the bad news – their next effort will be a “comedy western” film entitled Ridiculous 6, which could possibly be a spoof of The Magnificent Seven, according to a stab in the dark by Deadline.

This is the laffer that Sandler was going to make at Sony before Happy Madison Productions moved it to Paramount. The title is reminiscent of the 1960 United Artists pic The Magnificent Seven that starred Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson and James Coburn, the drama about seven gunfighters drafted to protect a Mexican town, so might this be a variation featuring inept gunslingers? The studio would not go beyond confirming the title and the terrain.

Here’s my guess as to why the studio had no further comment – because any time a producer or executive asks Sandler what his film will be about, he just mumbles, “Shabba doo, yabbo goo!” and then points to a wall of headshots, featuring Kevin James, David Spade, Chris Rock, Allen Covert, Nick Swardson, Peter Dante and Kevin Nealon. And nobody knows which five of Sandler’s friends will join him in this parody, because he hasn’t drawn their names from a hat yet.

Regardless of whether Ridiculous 6 is actual parody or if it’s just a play on the name, it obviously doesn’t sound like it’s going to be anything new for Sandler and his Happy Madison crew, who are so devoid of ideas that they said, “F*ck it!” and decided to make Grown Ups 2. So if you loved Three Amigos but hated the comedy parts, this just might be the movie for you.