Transformers 4 is Casting Extras in Chicago, These Are Michael Bay’s Notes (Links)

Word on the street (reports to the Chicago Tribune) is that Paramount’s holding a casting call this weekend for Transformers 4. For those of you who live in Chicago and are cool will going all the way up to the Skokie Holiday Inn, this is your chance to make it big, or spend hours rewinding a two-second crown pan while you try to remember what color shirt you were wearing a couple Augusts ago. But anyway, to save some of you jabronis the trip, I broke into the Holiday Inn’s secret vault, rerouted their fireware, hacked the central datadrive, and got my own copy of the casting call with notes from Michael Bay himself. Turns out he’s pretty picky:


“Fair-skinned” (make it so they get we mean white,,,,I mean theyre can be black but don’t frontload them)

C-cup at biggest, but only if fat (no closeups anyway)

In-shape latina milfs with a couple of rowdy kids, they’ll be in crowd at the end like “holy sh*t i cant believe this happened to our life..”

No glasses

Nevermind about the c-cups,,,,no fat chicks



Try to get jerry’s list for the Go Army commercials

No betas

Make it hpapen,


Ps has jeff dunham called back about the ferrari?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless™ Sony Xperia Z Ultra

Best of luck to those who fit the requirements.

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