Frotcast 162: Bitter Buddha director Steven Feinartz

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T-minus two weeks until Juggalo time, you guys. In the meantime, we’ve got an awesome new podcast for you. This week, we’ve got the whole frotcrew present, plus we welcome our guest, Bitter Buddha director Steven Feinartz. He tells us all about why he wanted to shoot Eddie Pepitone in the first place, depressing comedy venues, the connection between mental illness and brilliant comedy, film festival tours, and whether there’s such a thing as documentary groupies.

Our other topics include your listener emails and questions, which were great this week; Grumpy Bruce Willis, the mischievous trickster convinced Peter King that he should do an AMA, and whether Spike Lee was high on painkillers when he shot his Kickstarter video. Watch it below and tell me he’s not slurring like Corey Haim.

I’ll feel really bad if it turns out Spike Lee has some condition or head injury that makes him slur. Otherwise, the whole thing is bizarre. He reads off his entire filmography while offering a sentence and a half about the actual movie he wants you to fund. Is this an elaborate joke? It’s all very strange.

Also, the pods are back at! Go there to subscribe or for non-log-in commenting. Check out FilmDrunk & Friends at Cobb’s in SF August 4th!

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Email us at frotcast@gmail.comVoicemail us at 415.275.0030. Follow me on Twitter. Follow Ben on Twitter. Follow Bret on Twitter. Follow Steven Feinartz and Eddie Pepitone on Twitter. Fan us on Facebook.