Reporter to Gravity director: “What’s it like filming in space?”

The special effects Alfonso Cuarón used to make Gravity look like it was really taking place in space (human puppetry and light boxes, for the record) were so effective that at a recent press conference in Mexico City, one brave hombre raised his hand to ask the question on everyone’s cabeza – how was it filming in space?

The question, asked at a Thursday Mexico City news conference in jest, certainly amused Cuaron, who flashed a wide grin as he searched for an answer.

“Yes, we took cameras to the [spacecraft],” he said. “We were in space for three and a half months. I got really dizzy while rehearsing.”

The journalist has since been revealed as Carlos “El Capi” Perez, a field reporter for the comedic talk show Deberían Estar Trabajando (You Should Be Working).

Perez later left the following comment on his Twitter account: “Forgive me Twitter for being a professional committed to information.” [HollywoodReporter]

AY, QUE CHISTOSO! Because it was for a Mexican comedy show and I’m incredibly racist, I like to imagine the reporter was sitting between a large breasted lady and a giant man-baby licking an oversized lollipop.