Bootleg DVD of the Day: ‘Sean Connery vs. The Cock’

This probably Chinese bootleg containing 48 movies, mostly starring either Sean Connery or The Rock, aka The Cock, was taken by a soldier at a bazaar in Afghanistan. It’s one of those multi-DVD bootlegs that combine movies – Sean Connery has never actually been in a movie with The Cock. Of course, Vin Diesel had no such qualms about teaming up with The Cock in Fast Five and even brought him back in the next movie. Heck, you could say Vin Diesel loves The Cock.


|ESPN| Yo, Richie Incognito be molestin chicks with a golf club, yo. You’d think a guy named “Incognito” would be more discreet. (Seriously, what the f*ck kind of name is ‘Incognito?’)

|FilmDrunk| Thor 2 is out today. See why I called it “the Three Stooges of superhero movies.”

|WarmingGlow| Al Roker and Matt Lauer got prostate exams on live TV yesterday. USA! USA! USA!

|KissingSuzy| The KSK sex and fantasy mailbag, in which my former housemate Matt Ufford answers your burning questions.

|UproxxVideo| The ultimate TV laugh attack compilation video. Laugh attacks ain’t so funny when it’s hyenas.

|SmokingSection| Here’s video a Brazilian prostitute shot of Justin Bieber sleeping. She should’ve cut his dumb hair. Now THAT would’ve been funny.

|TheSuperficial| Here’s Kate Upton getting her topless body painted. You know, it’s about time I got to almost see Kate Upton’s boobs.

|Videogum| A kid got punished for wearing a purse to school. Serves him right, that thing was tack-keee.

|TheChive| Against the odds, these celebrity couples have gone the distance.

|IDLYITW| Jennifer Lawrence got a new haircut! I like it, J-Law, now will you marry me already?

|BroBible| Turns out that Brazilian prostitute who filmed Justin Bieber has lots of naked pictures of herself online. Weird, prostitutes are usually so bashful.

|Guyism| Gifterpiece theater: Is Amy Adams the most underrated hottie in Hollywood? Me, I prefer to focus on her acting talent, but if we’re being honest here… she could get it. And then some. (Like 45-60 seconds worth).

|Buzzfeed| 16 weird WWII propaganda posters to remind you that women are diseased sluts.

And hot off the presses, here’s the latest from Uproxx Video, The Grind.

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