Here’s a Craigslist posting from a couple in Montreal who loves fisting and wants to watch you fist and be fisted while fisting and being fisted (did I get this right?). It sounds way better than a human centipede. Anyway, this is all well and good, but my lobster fantasy has already been fulfilled. |Craigslist|
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|NYMagazine| My former classmate Meaghan Winter wrote this piece about women sharing their abortion experiences. You should check it out.
|FilmDrunk| A gay Japanese man tries to bring a straight porn star to climax in ‘Orgasm Wars,’ because Japan is amazing.
|Uproxx| Meet the Russian performance artist who nailed his balls to a cobblestone street in protest.
|WarmingGlow| Danger Guerrero brings you 100 fake names to use in your next screenplay.
|KissingSuzy| The “threatening” text Martin sent Richie Incognito was actually a meme.
|WithLeather| The Wiggles wrote a song about the US rugby league world cup team. Whatever, rugby union or die.
|UproxxVideo| Meet the easily scared tuba player. He’s easily scared and plays the tuba.
|SlashFilm| Horrible Bosses 2 will feature a role reversal. So does Charlie Day deepthroat the banana this time?
|SmokingSection| Miley Cyrus has a dress with Tupac and Biggie on it. She’s so edgy, you guys!
|TheSuperficial| Here’s Jon Hamm’s dong, because why wouldn’t it be?
|Videogum| This week in gifs!
|TheChive| Meanwhile, in the world I wish I lived in…
|IDLYITW| Tom Cruise admits Scientology was a factor in Katie Holmes divorcing him.
|BroBible| Here’s Jim Harbaugh showing that he can still throw a decent ball. Btw, losing 10-9 to the goddamned Panthers? I hate you, 49ers.