Your Move Sony: Microsoft Says Xbox One Is Getting Halo Sometime This Year

There are a lot of promising games coming out on the Xbox One and PS4 this year, but most of them aren’t continuations of big-name franchises. Microsoft and Sony have promised new Halo and Uncharted titles are coming to their next-gen consoles, but neither company has said anything about when those games will arrive. Well, until now.

Earlier today Microsoft released a list of games coming out on Xbox One this year, and it didn’t include Halo. People got upset, so Xbox PR manager Rob Semsey dropped a tweet that seems to suggest that the next Halo adventure is in fact coming in 2014

The tweet is somewhat open to interpretation — he says the journey begins in 2014. Might Microsoft take a page from Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid V playbook and release a prologue to Halo 5 in 2014 and the full game sometime later? Or is he somehow talking about that Halo TV series? No way to say for sure, but the bottomline is this — Xbox One owners are getting Master Chief in some form in 2014, and I have a very strong suspicion Nathan Drake won’t be showing up until 2015. Please prove me wrong Sony!

Sigh. Deciding which next-gen console to buy would be so much easier if Microsoft wasn’t beating Sony’s ass on the games front. Stop complicating things Microsoft!

via Kotaku