A Mark Ruffalo ‘Hulk’ Movie Is Happening According To… Lou Ferrigno?

Of the possibility of Mark Ruffalo getting his own Incredible Hulk movie like most of the other characters from Marvel’s The Avengers, director Joss Whedon has said:

“The problem is it’s a very popular character, but it’s not a superhero. Half of it’s a superhero, half of it’s a werewolf. And you can’t structure it like a superhero movie, you can’t light it like a superhero movie. How do you develop that? It would be extremely difficult. The one thing you would have in your favor would be Mark Ruffalo. But right now I don’t know if they have plans to do that or not, because he works so well as part of a greater whole, but by himself, it’s tough. I don’t envy the guys who went before.”

Clearly, this was a very damning statement about the Hulk’s standalone movie future, despite the contrary reports of other sites that had “SOURCES!!!” that claimed the Planet Hulk and World War Hulk comic series would eventually make it to the big screen. But Whedon’s statement now has another contradiction, as the original Hulk, Lou Ferrigno, told Flicks and the City that Ruffalo is indeed getting his own Hulk film after Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Ferrigno said that if it wasn’t for him, “the Hulk wouldn’t be around today,” and not only would he like to provide the voice for the CGI beast in an individual Hulk film, like he did in The Avengers, but he’d also like a separate role, perhaps as a general or something like that. Aw, give the big, ol’ lug whatever he wants, Marvel.